
hopelessly bogged down...

      I am afraid I am so far behind I'll never see daylight, again. However there is always hope!
     I have finished some customer quilts, actually have the binding on my pinwheel quilt and have it on the bed. Forgive the picture I still have the room to paint and will take better pictures later.

We had snow in February something we seldom have so, I did take a picture of that. This was taken the morning after and the Carolina blue skies are pretty evident.

      Sunday we had tornadoes but, yesterday the clouds gave way to gorgeous blue skies and this morning is just as pretty a picture as the snowy one, only minus the snow. We have trees in bloom and the Bluebirds are busy building a nest in the birdhouse (it really is in the picture above but, hard to see). Kind of breezy but, climbing into the low 70's today and expected to be in the mid 80's by the end of the week. It's been a long cold winter for us and we are so looking forward to spring weather returning. Speaking of 'spring' have you had a good 'Spring' cold lately? I am just recouping from a 'bloomin' spring cold' and boy was it lousy. Went all winter without a sick day and get to the nice weather and bam!

     I've been making ribbons for the Carolina Longarm Quilt Guild all week and have a half dozen almost ready to mail out. We present ribbons to the 'Best Longarm Quilt' at different guild shows around the states of North and South Carolina. I was the recipient of one of these ribbons before, I became a member. I think an old post shows the quilt and ribbon. It was on my very first quilt off my machine, 2 and a half years ago. WOW! How time flies when you are having fun! Sometimes when you are not.

     I now have a 'Facebook' page. Not sure what to do with it just yet but, it has been a hoot seeing some of my classmates from HS (you will note I haven't got my picture posted, yet). Ralph Waldo Emerson said "As we grow old...the beauty steals inward."  I can sure believe that! LOL With that little quote I think I will close for now and hopefully return sooner than the last post.

      Have a wonderful Easter! God Bless!!!